St Clements Hill
Primary Academy
50 Le Safferne Gardens, Norwich, NR3 4AR Telephone: 01603 984737
Email: office@stclementsacademy.co.uk
Welcome to St Clements Hill Primary Academy. Since opening in September 2018, we have developed a thriving, successful learning community where children’s learning is prioritised and their interests nurtured.
We are proud of our achievements and the education that our children receive. Your child needs to feel safe and secure and be assured that they will have access to a wide range of opportunities and experiences that will shape the rest of their lives. The curriculum we offer does just that.
Our building, constantly developing like our learners, provides an exceptional learning environment. Our children take pride in all they do and display excellent behaviour and attitudes to their learning, and are a credit to our outstanding and committed staff and parents.
Our talented and dedicated staff team works closely with a strong group of Trustees, to make our Academy a special and happy environment to learn and grow; one full of challenge, success and celebration.
By actively encouraging a close relationship between staff, parents and their children, we provide a wonderful learning environment for each individual to develop academically and socially and learn the many skills they may need to be independent in their school career and beyond.
We know that providing a child with the building blocks very early on is fundamental to their success. Our outstanding Early Years approach is designed to ensure the best possible outcomes before starting Year 1 and the rest of the primary curriculum.
Visits to the school are encouraged – our door is always open. We look forward to meeting you, working with you, and showing you what impact the education at St Clements Hill Primary Academy can make.