St Clements Hill
Primary Academy
50 Le Safferne Gardens, Norwich, NR3 4AR Telephone: 01603 984737
Email: office@stclementsacademy.co.uk
Curriculum Development
Although informed by the National Curriculum, our curriculum is bespoke to St. Clements Hill Primary Academy - carefully crafted by us for our children.
Our whole school curriculum aim is to - create global citizens for the future.
We aim for our pupils to be aware of and understand the wider world – and their place in it. We want to teach them to be able to play an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer.
We aim to achieve this through our curriculum. We provide children with the knowledge, learning qualities and collaborative skills that can be applied across all curriculum areas, and in all aspects of life, ready to be global citizens of the future.
Throughout school our principles, Ready, Respectful and Safe, underpin all of our behaviours.

Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum rationale embraces the context in which our school is placed. It is designed to meet the needs of the pupils we serve and is underpinned by a belief that it is a child’s right to receive an education committed to academic excellence regardless of their background or social standing. We know that knowledge is powerful and research tells us that powerful knowledge ‘can enable students to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their own experiences’ (Young et al, 2014). It is our intention that our pupils’ school experience should provide them with the opportunity to go on and succeed in life; they will leave us ‘future ready’. We know that crucial to our pupils’ success is their language development - the broadening of their vocabulary, the transitions from speaking and listening to reading and writing, and their enjoyment of language. Language will support our pupils to fulfil their potential both within the education system and in the wider world.
Sharing stories is a prime strategy for learning language because our minds are hard-wired for stories. Our curriculum enables children to build their language and sentence structure over many years. As educators we know that stories are magical and are powerful. Stories provide us with vocabulary, a broadening sense of world culture, the inner template that helps us to understand ourselves and the world we inhabit. Our stories at St. Clements Hill also serve as a hook for learning to excite and motivate our pupils.
Our curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum but adapted to our setting and needs of our cohorts. We study individual curriculum subjects and it is our intent that children will develop a deep understanding of the language of each subject during their time with us.
Our curriculum is enriched with ‘60 Experiences’ that have been carefully planned in consultation with the wider stakeholders of the school.