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Key Stage 1 Curriculum - Years 1 & 2


The acquisition of knowledge is of paramount importance to us. At St Clements Hill we develop the acquisition and application of knowledge through, repeating key concepts, revisiting skills and reinforcing ideas in an increasingly formalised school environment to embed knowledge into children’s long term memory.

In Year 1 discrete subjects are taught with English, maths and phonics being taught daily. The curriculum is structured to ensure concepts have been embedded into the long term memory. This allows for adults to know which children require targeted support and allow for the adaptation of future planning.

We build on the foundations of Personal, Social and Emotional development alongside Speaking and Listening by introducing Science and foundation subjects. An overarching umbrella of the subject will last a few weeks and this will be broken down into steps to covering the content.  This enriches vocabulary and develops the concepts of subject specialisation.

The use of Tapestry continues into Year 1. Here we will share the learning your child has taken part in. WOW moments from home show how learning extended outside of the classroom builds on our home - school communication. The use of Tapestry transitions to Seesaw in Year 2.

Supporting Documents

If you require any information from this website in a different form or language please contact the Academy

Telephone: 01603 984737


50 Le Safferne Gardens, Norwich, NR3 4AR

St Clements Hill Primary Academy, is part of Broad Horizons Education Trust, St Clements Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BX. Tel: 01603 937303   Company number: 08282834 (registered in England and Wales)

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