St Clements Hill
Primary Academy
50 Le Safferne Gardens, Norwich, NR3 4AR Telephone: 01603 984737
Email: office@stclementsacademy.co.uk
Life Learning Curriculum
Relationships, Sex and Health Education
At St Clements Hill Primary Academy we believe in the importance of ‘learning for life’, which is taught through our Life Learning curriculum. This curriculum integrates the statutory content for Relationships, Sex and Health Education alongside the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE curriculum). Life Learning is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up in an age appropriate manner.
Through the statutory Relationships Education content, children are taught the characteristics of positive and healthy relationships which includes friendships, family, and relationships with other children and adults.
Through the statutory Health Education content, children are taught how to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. Children develop the confidence to seek support and ask for help if issues arise. They also gain the knowledge and understanding of which people to approach for help.
Non-statutory sex education is taught when children reach Year 6. Children learn about sexual intercourse and the relation it has to reproduction. They are also taught about the risks of infections and how these can spread through sexual relationships.
We aim to:
Equip children with accurate information, positive values and skills needed to enjoy healthy, safe and positive relationships throughout their lives.
Support children to recognise and celebrate their uniqueness and take responsibility for their health and wellbeing now and in the future.
Prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
Life Learning Provision
At St Clements Hill Primary Academy Life Learning is taught in a way which is complementary to the wider ethos, values and principles of our school. We follow the Norfolk RSE Scheme of Work and also complete ‘spontaneous planning’ which is developed from specific observations made of the children. This means that if it becomes apparent that there is the need for a certain topic to be taught and discussed at a specific time, it can be.
Life Learning is an identifiable part of our school curriculum which has planned, timetabled lessons across all the key stages. Lessons will be delivered approximately fortnightly by your child’s class teacher or by an appropriate cover teacher as necessary. Where appropriate, expert visitors will be invited in to enhance and supplement the programme. Children will not be separated by gender for any of their learning. As with other subjects in the curriculum, teachers will ensure that learning is appropriate for the individual needs of the children. Tasks will be differentiated to suit all learners and those more able learners will be stretched and challenged appropriately.
The Life Learning curriculum is separated into three main categories: Relationships Education, Health and Wellbeing and The Big World. ‘The Big World’ is specific to the needs of the pupils, school and local community (examples include: road safety, water safety, knife crime, county lines, careers and money management).