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School Uniform

A uniform has been welcomed by parents as providing a smart and standard form of clothing. This also helps to foster a spirit of belonging and readiness to learn. Our uniform is available from Brigade Clothing.


Children are expected to wear the following school uniform:

  • Black/Grey trousers, shorts, skirts, or dresses

  • Light blue polo neck t-shirt (school logo is optional)

  • A blue jumper or cardigan preferably displaying the school logo
    (but logo optional)

  • Black covered school shoes

  • Dark socks / tights

  • Blue gingham dresses may be worn in warmer months


For PE  

  • Light blue, white or house team coloured t-shirt 

  • Plain black, navy or grey shorts/tracksuit bottoms 

  • Plain sweatshirt without a hood 

  • Suitable trainers (not plimsolls) without any studs


For Early Years and Key Stage 1

  • Wet weather gear including wellies

    • EYFS - ideally an all-in-one ‘puddle suit’ 

    • KS1 - separate waterproof trousers and jacket


Please Note: 

A watch and stud earrings are the only jewellery that can be worn. These must be removed for PE, Swimming and other practical sessions. Smart watches are not permitted.


For more detailed information and specific uniform expectations please see our School Uniform Procedures document available on our policies page.


Pre-loved uniform


As a school community we aim to:

  Help families access compulsory school uniform
  Extend the life of items that children quickly grow out of
  Promote a positive eco-friendly culture of contributing and reusing

To achieve these aims, we host pre-loved uniform events. These are advertised through school newsletters, the school noticeboard and social media. If you wish to donate uniform for these events, please drop uniform into the school office at any time.

Additionally, members of the school community have set up a pre-loved uniform Facebook page for St Clements uniform. Please find the group here:

Families on a low income, whether working and/or receiving benefits, who have lived in Norwich or the surrounding area for 2 years or more may be eligible for support with uniform costs. This is through the 'Anguish's Educational Foundation' which is part of the Norwich Charitable Trusts.

See here for more details:


We would strongly recommend that all uniform is clearly labelled. No sew name labels are an easy way to achieve this. We have linked with to support with school fundraising, please quote the school reference number 36238 when ordering to help generate funds or click on the banner below.


If you require any information from this website in a different form or language please contact the Academy

Telephone: 01603 984737


50 Le Safferne Gardens, Norwich, NR3 4AR

St Clements Hill Primary Academy, is part of Broad Horizons Education Trust, St Clements Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BX. Tel: 01603 937303   Company number: 08282834 (registered in England and Wales)

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